A light blue rug featuring a stanza of poetry in white lettering. Rug reads: “Released of all the reasons why we simply cannot be released. To take flight and find where obligation and joy can occupy the same body.”

Atmosphere (Poetry Rug), c.2023

To take flight and find where obligation and joy can occupy the same body.

The Atmosphere Poetry Rug is a hand-tufted rug featuring lines from a stanza taken from the poem "Atmosphere", written for my upcoming book "A Field Guide for Blue Girls: For Black Girls Navigating Hard Times". The rug reads as follows: “Released of all the reasons why we simply cannot be released. To take flight and find where obligation and joy can occupy the same body.”

The poem Atmosphere is a companion piece to the visual work, "Our Most Here", dreaming of an eventuality where we can all release all the burdens and fears keeping us from living the kinds of lives we always hoped we could. The rug represents the lightness and softness the poem exudes by maintaining a simplistic sky-influenced color scheme of blue and white, using fluffy yarn on a shag carpet setting during tufting, and being mounted to the wall to give a sense of weightlessness.

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Legacy, c.2023


Our Most Here, c. 2022